Last Mile Shuttles

Offering a reliable ride to work enhances employee satisfaction and cultivates a positive work environment. With this thoughtful approach to transportation, you'll foster a happier and more content workforce, ultimately contributing to the success of your organization.

Utah Mountain offers simple and convenient solutions to improve the accessibility of your campus. Our last mile shuttle programs offer a safe and reliable method of transfer between the main campus and regional transit stations for your employees.

Last mile shuttle services are the ideal solution for bridging the gap between public transit and workplaces, universities, hospitals, or campuses. With great flexibility and multiple stops, these shuttles ensure a reliable and safe commute for individuals seeking schedule flexibility.

Tailored to meet your company or property's specific needs, services are customizable. Our team will create a program that aligns with your employees' schedules and requirements. Our dispatch operators are prepared to respond to unplanned situations with adjusting schedules, bus bridging, and supporting public transit delays. Let Utah Mountain pave the way for seamless and efficient last-mile transportation solutions!

To learn more, please see our employee shuttle types, including: Corporate Employees Shuttle, Intercampus Shuttles, and Dedicated On-Demand Service options.

Why use last mile shuttles?